Stop putting off the little things: A Procrastinator’s Guide

As a business owner, you often find yourself pulled in different directions by competing responsibilities. It can feel daunting to classify tasks and tackle the most time-consuming ones first. But why is it so hard for us to start – or even finish – seemingly insignificant tasks? Why do these tiny tasks become the bane of our existence, tempting us into procrastination limbo? Let’s explore why we get stuck on…  Read more

How do I adapt my small business strategy in the midst of a cost of living crisis?

So, we’re officially in the thick of a cost of living crisis. This presents a challenge for entrepreneurs and is a nerve-wracking time for many small business owners. If you’ve had sleepless nights worrying about how you’re going to pay your suppliers or support your staff, you’re not alone. It’s likely you’ve already looked at where you can cut costs, but it seems like an impossible task when suppliers are…  Read more

The benefits of outsourcing for small businesses

For small businesses in today’s competitive market, outsourcing can offer a range of advantages. Not only does it reduce costs and free up valuable time for owners to focus on growing their business, but it also provides access to skills and expertise that may be unavailable in-house. By working with external professionals or firms who work in certain areas, small businesses have the opportunity to streamline operations, increase productivity and…  Read more

Effective strategies for boosting your cash flow

In the unpredictable world of startups, maintaining a cash surplus can be a lifesaver. It provides a safety net in case sales don’t meet expectations or unexpected expenses arise. Aside from providing security, surplus cash also paves the way for expansion opportunities, handling large bills, or purchasing essential equipment. While injecting personal capital or taking out a loan can aid in creating a cash surplus, let’s explore some other effective…  Read more

The ultimate guide to improving business cash flow

In the business world, cash flow remains the lifeblood that keeps your operations running smoothly. Whether you’re a start-up finding your feet or a seasoned business, maintaining a steady cash flow can be quite a challenge. But a few small changes can make a world of difference to your cash flow and overall revenue. So, let’s dive into some practical strategies you can implement to boost your cash flow. Get…  Read more

Setting business financial goals for 2023; It’s budgeting time again

Businesses tend to progress more consistently if the owner sets financial goals and makes a plan to achieve them. The new year is a natural time to decide what you want to achieve and how. With that in mind, read on to learn the steps for setting financial goals for your business for 2023. 1. Review and evaluate your 2022 goals You’ve got to see where you’re coming from to…  Read more

Time Blocking vs Time Boxing, Focus More, Procrastinate Less

In a world with endless distractions, it’s no wonder that we find it difficult to complete tasks. Focus is hard to come by these days. This is especially true when you’re working from home. Household tasks that would otherwise be out of sight and out of mind are suddenly in your workspace. With that said, there are some proven methods to help you get things done. Time blocking and Time…  Read more

What is lifestyle planning and how does it affect my budget?

When you think of financial planning, you probably imagine ways to increase your wealth, such as making a budget, reviewing what’s coming in and going out, and creating a plan for how to make the most of your money. You may think of investing in stocks or bonds, or of starting a retirement fund. Perhaps you think of saving for a major expense, like a home or education for your…  Read more

Time to Create that Budget to Combat Inflation

It seems that every news outlet is sounding the alarm about high inflation these days. While it might sound like it’s time to panic, you don’t have to. With a few adjustments, you can handily fight off inflation and possibly even benefit from the current economic climate. Read on to discover 5 ways you can combat inflation and make your money work harder for you. Find out what you spend…  Read more

How to Scale Your Business with Minimal Effort

If you want your business to grow, at some point you’ll have to think about scaling it. Scaling it isn’t exactly the same as growing it, though they are often used interchangeably. Growth refers to adding resources and increasing your revenue in a linear fashion. You double your number of offices to double your number of customers, for example. Scaling means increasing your revenue without a substantial increase in the…  Read more

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