Getting approved: What your bank really wants

If your company is experiencing rapid growth, you might find yourself navigating a good news/bad news situation: while your sales figures climb, managing cash flow becomes increasingly complex, pushing you to seek additional financing to meet the rising demand. Consider this scenario: A well-known retailer expresses interest in your products, presenting an exciting opportunity that could significantly elevate your business. However, they have a requirement: they want a substantial discount…  Read more

Small business savvy: basics for managing your business finances

When you run your small business, you have a lot on your plate. That makes it tempting to let some tasks slide, especially tasks that are related to finances, which can be challenging and often outside your preferred skill set or experience. Here are some financial best practices for managing your business, so you can have the best chances of success. Pay yourself As a small business owner you may…  Read more

Navigating financial metrics: Why the Current Ratio is key for your business

Ever felt like the term “current ratio” sounds like something straight out of a high school mathematics class that you’d rather forget? You’re not alone. But here’s the thing – understanding the current ratio can be a game-changer for managing your business’s financial health. Here’s a simple breakdown. What is the Current Ratio? In the simplest terms, the current ratio measures your business’s ability to pay off its short-term obligations…  Read more

Your email signature – Evaluate Your Options

The power of a well-crafted email signature is often underestimated by professionals and businesses alike. Your email signature is essentially your calling card: it’s where you can share information about yourself and your company, like your website and social media profile links.  It can also include the company logo and highlight current promotions or links to products you want to boost sales of. Here are 4 tips for creating your…  Read more

Stop putting off the little things: A Procrastinator’s Guide

As a business owner, you often find yourself pulled in different directions by competing responsibilities. It can feel daunting to classify tasks and tackle the most time-consuming ones first. But why is it so hard for us to start – or even finish – seemingly insignificant tasks? Why do these tiny tasks become the bane of our existence, tempting us into procrastination limbo? Let’s explore why we get stuck on…  Read more

How do I adapt my small business strategy in the midst of a cost of living crisis?

So, we’re officially in the thick of a cost of living crisis. This presents a challenge for entrepreneurs and is a nerve-wracking time for many small business owners. If you’ve had sleepless nights worrying about how you’re going to pay your suppliers or support your staff, you’re not alone. It’s likely you’ve already looked at where you can cut costs, but it seems like an impossible task when suppliers are…  Read more

The benefits of outsourcing for small businesses

For small businesses in today’s competitive market, outsourcing can offer a range of advantages. Not only does it reduce costs and free up valuable time for owners to focus on growing their business, but it also provides access to skills and expertise that may be unavailable in-house. By working with external professionals or firms who work in certain areas, small businesses have the opportunity to streamline operations, increase productivity and…  Read more

Effective strategies for boosting your cash flow

In the unpredictable world of startups, maintaining a cash surplus can be a lifesaver. It provides a safety net in case sales don’t meet expectations or unexpected expenses arise. Aside from providing security, surplus cash also paves the way for expansion opportunities, handling large bills, or purchasing essential equipment. While injecting personal capital or taking out a loan can aid in creating a cash surplus, let’s explore some other effective…  Read more

The ultimate guide to improving business cash flow

In the business world, cash flow remains the lifeblood that keeps your operations running smoothly. Whether you’re a start-up finding your feet or a seasoned business, maintaining a steady cash flow can be quite a challenge. But a few small changes can make a world of difference to your cash flow and overall revenue. So, let’s dive into some practical strategies you can implement to boost your cash flow. Get…  Read more

10 business concepts every small business owner needs to understand

Even if you have outsourced your financial functions, as a small business owner, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of key financial concepts to work with your advisor and ‘speak their language”. This article outlines several important concepts that every small business owner should be familiar with. Basics of income and expenses As a small business owner, it’s important for you to understand how you generate and spend…  Read more

Debt management tips for small business owners SME’s

For a small business owner, managing finances can be a daunting task. Keeping track of expenses, payments, and cash flow can be overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with debt too. A business loan, line of credit or a business credit card can help your company hire new employees, purchase inventory, purchase equipment, and finance growth, but too much debt can become an unsustainable expense. Debt management is vital to the…  Read more

Why SME business owners wear multiple hats

How often do you feel like the last line of organization, taking on the world and tackling everything that comes your way? If you’re a small business owner, chances are it’s more often than not! The demands of running a small business can weigh heavy on our shoulders at times, and as business owners we often try to do everything ourselves. The success of your business depends not just on…  Read more

Managing Debt; Debt Planning Basics

Debt can be a significant burden on one’s financial life. It can cause stress, anxiety, and make it difficult to achieve financial goals. However, with a little planning and dedication, anyone can create a debt repayment system and get on the path to financial freedom. Here are some tips for managing debt and creating a debt repayment system: Take Stock of Your Debt The first step in managing debt is…  Read more

Using financial reconciliation to keep your business on track; Making better business decisions

As a small business owner, you’re likely already aware of the importance of keeping your finances in order. Financial management goes deeper than paying your bills on time and collecting on invoices (although those are also important). It involves regularly checking up on your financial situation to make sure your accounts are in order, your records are up-to-date, and you’re spending within your budget. Among those activities, financial reconciliation plays…  Read more

What is inflation and how does it affect my savings?

You can’t get through the news these days without hearing about inflation and how rapidly it’s increasing. Rates were generally low for quite some time and we all got used to it. Suddenly, however, everyone is getting squeezed by inflationary pressure. But what exactly is inflation, and how does it affect the money you have in the bank? Read on to learn more about what it is and what it…  Read more

What is a balance sheet and how does it show the true picture of the health of my company?

Your balance sheet is the tool that shows the true health of your business. Your balance sheet includes a section for your assets (things you own or will receive that have value), your liabilities (what you owe to others) and equity (retained earnings and funds from investors) at a specific time. The relationship between these three sections shows how financially healthy your company is. If your assets outweigh your liabilities,…  Read more

5 common payroll implementation errors you can easily avoid

Upgrading or changing your payroll system comes with a ton of wonderful benefits. Saving time and money, making everyone’s lives easier, and better integration are all good reasons to consider a change. But if the switch is mishandled, the results can be catastrophic and lead to long-lasting problems. Read on for some tips on how to avoid a disastrous payroll system migration. 1. Give the project the time it needs…  Read more

Time Blocking vs Time Boxing, Focus More, Procrastinate Less

In a world with endless distractions, it’s no wonder that we find it difficult to complete tasks. Focus is hard to come by these days. This is especially true when you’re working from home. Household tasks that would otherwise be out of sight and out of mind are suddenly in your workspace. With that said, there are some proven methods to help you get things done. Time blocking and Time…  Read more

What is lifestyle planning and how does it affect my budget?

When you think of financial planning, you probably imagine ways to increase your wealth, such as making a budget, reviewing what’s coming in and going out, and creating a plan for how to make the most of your money. You may think of investing in stocks or bonds, or of starting a retirement fund. Perhaps you think of saving for a major expense, like a home or education for your…  Read more

Time to Create that Budget to Combat Inflation

It seems that every news outlet is sounding the alarm about high inflation these days. While it might sound like it’s time to panic, you don’t have to. With a few adjustments, you can handily fight off inflation and possibly even benefit from the current economic climate. Read on to discover 5 ways you can combat inflation and make your money work harder for you. Find out what you spend…  Read more

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